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Data and privacy lawyer speaking to a client.Privacy & cyber security is everyone’s responsibility.

Ben is a Queensland-based lawyer who assists clients across various industries with their privacy and cyber security legal requirements.

Privacy Law

Privacy is a growing concern in today’s digital age, and it is essential to protect personal information. As a privacy lawyer, Ben helps clients comply with Australian privacy regulations and protect personal information. He assists with the following:

  • Privacy policies and notices
  • Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) compliance advice
  • Notifiable Data Breach advice (read more below)
  • Privacy Impact Assessments
  • Complaints and investigations by privacy regulators

Using practical and effective solutions, Ben can help clients comply with privacy regulations and protect personal information.

Cyber Security Law

Cybersecurity is a critical issue for businesses of all sizes, and it is essential to have a cyber security plan in place to protect against cyber threats. As a cyber security lawyer, Ben helps clients protect their businesses against cyber attacks and minimise the impact of a cyber security incident.

Ben can assist with:

  • Conducting cyber security risk assessments
  • Developing and implementing cyber security policies and procedures
  • Incident response planning and execution
  • Employee training and awareness
  • Compliance with industry regulations and standards

Focusing on proactive measures to prevent cyber threats, Ben can help clients protect their businesses and minimise the impact of a cybersecurity incident.

If you require legal guidance related to privacy, information security, or cybersecurity in Australia, Ben is here to help. With a wealth of experience in these fields, he has the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate complex legal issues and achieve your business goals. 

Please contact Ben today to learn how he can help you protect your business against cyber threats and ensure you comply with privacy and data protection regulations.

Specific Areas

Privacy Law Advice – Notifiable Data Breaches

There are harsh financial penalties for companies and individuals who fail to fulfil their legal responsibilities relating to data breaches. The Notifiable Data Breach Scheme under the Privacy Act requires businesses to report data breaches that may cause serious harm.

Businesses are encouraged by the Australian Office of Information Commissioner to have a data breach response plan to help them comply with the Privacy Act and the associated Australian Privacy Principles.

Ben Waldeck can provide the following privacy legal advice regarding data:
– assessment of whether a notifiable data breach has occurred
– reporting of notifiable data breaches
– preparing a data breach response plan

Related article:  Notifiable Data Breach Scheme Overview

Data Theft

Data theft is becoming incredibly prevalent. Companies must be aware of the preventative measures that can be implemented. For example, employee agreements and policies must stipulate data handling responsibilities, data access limits, personal device restrictions and implications if those requirements are breached.

When data theft occurs, swift action must be taken – but it must be the correct action. Employers need to be advised on whether they should investigate data theft or hire an investigator, whether they can stand down an employee until an investigation is undertaken, if and when the police should be notified and what civil and criminal actions may be taken against data thieves.

Getting the right advice is critical. Ben and the team can provide the necessary answers and prepare an action plan to address data theft correctly.

Related article: Employee Data Theft – Steps for Employers